Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hole in One!

Today I moseyed on down memory lane and revisited the haunts of my childhood. When I got out of work today at 4PM I met up with Kris and Jakob and went to the mini-golf that I always frequented as a child and a teenager. It's got the same cuteness and charm it always had. Plus, I did pretty amazing and on the 18th hole I hit the ball in the clown's noise and won a free game! No easy feat, I assure you. This clown always used to taunt me and I can say revenge is sweet.

Afterwards, we decided to hit up Footie's Freez another hot spot of my youth. I remember as a child anticipating their ice cream the way I anticipate payday now as an adult. I would sit in the car, looking at what seemingly was an endless list of flavors and hash out in my head what would be the most satisfying to my young, yet refined palette. I usually decided on a chocolate or strawberry crunch bar or a fruity push-pop. Today I thought about maybe ordering a tin roof (because it made me think of the B-52's Love Shack) but I played it safe and chose a peanut butter cup flurry made with chocolate ice cream. It never disappoints.