Wednesday, March 2, 2011


In time, the fog has cleared and reality has paved way to my realization that I am not just visiting my family anymore. Reality has made it very clear that I am indeed living at home with my parents. It hasn't been bad per se, but living at home at the age of 27 is never good. I am a grown man and I should be living on my own, with a job and living a life that at least resembles something of adulthood. What kills me is that I did what you are always told to do "Follow your dreams and work hard to make them a reality!" and that's what's landed me in my parent's guest bedroom months before my 10 year high school reunion. I realize doubt and cynicism will do me no good but the outlook is starting to look grim (FUCK!). Well, the silver lining is I haven't eaten this well in months and even though logic tells me otherwise, I am still hopeful I will tackle this obstacle and come out on top.

...Please don't let reality smash this last shard of hope to pieces...